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Modern Kiba Inuzuka Fanart

Okay, I'll confess that seeing my new father's Hitai-ate was a huge kick in the (thankfully figurative) testicles. I'm sorry, but I don't murder people! AKA a SI/OC story in which the main character is more concerned with the worrying shortage of pastries...and acceptable female role models...and adopting misfits and cinnamon rolls...err, oops? At the very least, I get to troll folks! UPDATE: This work is incomplete and will stay so indefinitely. A revision, including non-essential story details, is now in the works till the release of the first book in this series, "Let Them Eat Cake."

This is the tale of a sad and lonely Naruto. His cheerful demeanor and tenacity are all a ruse. On the inside, he is depressed and shattered. The village's maltreatment and neglect have had a significant influence on his mental stability. He is suicidal and sad. He tries to keep the terrible memories at bay, but every rainstorm breaks him open. It resurrects all of the horrible memories. He is certain that no one has noticed. He believes that no one cares. No one can assist him. He is incorrect. His salvation comes from an unusual source. What will happen if his rescuer discovers what is going on? Is it possible to rescue him? Is that what he wants to be? Is it already too late?

"....Recently, while Kiba was alone with the other genin, he developed an itch. It was easy to play it cool and be the energetic team leader, bouncing from toe to toe and running at the front of the pack with Hinata around, but without their third member to keep his focus darting about, Kiba felt his attention training in on the quiet bug shinobi. It was terrifyingly fascinating to attempt to figure out what was going on beneath Shinoâs calm, silent stare...."

The sun was about to set over Suna, and you enjoyed seeing the honey glow of golden hour light up the beach around you. This was your favorite part of the day. Gaara gently squeezed your hand, bringing you back to the present time, and as you rounded a curve, you noticed a vast greenhouse in front of you. He motioned you in as he opened the door and quietly laughed at your astonishment. The vegetation all around you was illuminated by your favorite warm sunlight, tinted slightly with the orange and purple hues of the approaching sunset. There was a little picnic in the middle of the plants, and you turned to the guy behind you to lay a light palm on his face.

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