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Kurapika X Chrollo 13+

Chrollo is one of the most powerful enemies in the Hunter x Hunter anime, and although a few characters may be able to defeat him, the most will not. Chrollo Lucilfer is one of Hunter x Hunter's primary villains. He is the leader of the Phantom Troupe, a notorious gang of outlaws. Chrollo is highly strong, and his abilities are among the finest in the series.

Kurapika and Chrollo are more alike than any of them would like to acknowledge. Logical, strategic, cruel, and prone to retaliation. Even their hatsus are well-thought-out to complement their tactical thinking. Both Chrollo and Kurapika firmly identify with the Spider; Chrollo as its leader and will, and Kurapika puts his whole personality into his hate of the Spider. Chrollo appreciates the Spider (the adhesive that keeps his self-identity together) as much as Kurapika desires to completely destroy it. Chrollo's loss of Uvo compelled him to exact vengeance on those who murdered someone they cared about, just way Kurapika killed Uvo in retaliation for the Troupe murdering people he cared about. They are inextricably linked to one another. Kurapika vs. Chrollo would be the finest battle in the series in my view, not only because of how much history they have with each other, but also because these two forces are so close to one another that they might have been each other's counterpart if the circumstances were different. It would be a hauntingly beautiful (and terrifyingly existential) war for the ages.

When Kuroro, the head of the phantom troop, removes the chain that the chain user has placed in his heart and seeks vengeance. He kidnaps Kurapika and orders him to do whatever he wants. He does, however, fall for Kurapika, also known as the chain user. The assassin of Uvo and Paku. Is kurapika interested... Mature completed

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