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D&D Beyond Portraits Half Elf

Pallid elves were introduced as a new subrace of Elves alongside the sea elf in the 2020 sourcebook Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. They are referenced for the first time in Chapter 3: Wildemount Gazetteer,[4] and are expanded upon in Chapter 4: Character Options. [6] Axel Defois, a French fan artist, designed the official artwork, which depicts a pallid elf with dark eyes, white hair, and pale complexion wearing leather armor and a cloak and holding two daggers. [7] Pallid elves have yet to be seen or discussed onstream.

The portrait generator is completely free to use, and there is a gallery of thousands of fantasy faces to explore and download.

According to Berghammer, computer-generated graphics cannot be copyrighted by programmers and hence are awarded CC0 licenses. That means you may use them in commercial Twitch broadcasts or even in books sold on DrivethruRPG or the DMs Guild.

Half-elves inherited an uncommon combination of powers from their two ancestors. They are naturally more appealing and durable than elves or humans. Half-elves have a high level of flexibility since they can acquire skills outside of their expertise. Half-elves, like their elf parents, work well with others and can contribute some of their own abilities to allies or friends. They are also able to see in low-light circumstances. Their vision and hearing abilities exceed those of humans. Psychology of the Half-elf

Darkvision: 60 feet of Darkvision is always useful.

Fey Ancestry: This is when the advantages of the Half-Elves' better half (go at me humans) truly start to show, with an advantage on saving throws against being charmed coming up numerous times during the course of a campaign. Magical immunity to sleep effects is less frequent, although it may still be useful.

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