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Boa Noite Durma Bem Te Amo

Good evening, my dearest love. Good night, my sweetheart! Você é o homem da minha vida, o melhor namorado e o que me faz sonhar a noite e à noite. I am really happy to be on your side, and my life has more color and flavor since you are a part of it. I adore you and wish you lovely dreams, preferably with me, and a restful night. Compartilhar Send an email to Tweetar...

Good evening, my dear! Have a lovely and peaceful night's sleep, you deserve it! Copy and Paste Sem mgoas Good day! Dorme bem, descansa, sonhe con os anjos e que voca, minha irm£, tenha uma noite de paz e tranquilidade! N£o v dormir com mgoas no cora£o e se permita ser feliz, voca merite! I adore you! Copy and Paste

Saudade In a nutshell, my nights have been disrupted by my absence. Noites when I find myself thinking about you. I'm sure this is one of them. The blessings have allowed the love I already felt for you to grow. I don't see the use in preening your local here at home, on the table, on the couch, on every side. Return quickly, my dear. And you will realize that there is no better marriage in the world. Good day! Copy and Paste Eclipse Our love is like an eclipse: stunning, beautiful, and unique. Our eyes and shadows compliment each other. a fen'meno that dazzles the eyes of those who see it, with an intense and unexpected gleam that causes laughter. Good night, my love! Copy and Paste

Good evening, my lovely love, my great love. When I deitar my head on the travesseiro, you can bet I'll be thinking about you, my love. Have good dreams, sleep well, and remember that my heart is all yours. You are the person I think of before going to bed. I never imagined I'd be in such a position to experience love in such a way. I thank you for being at my side every day.

Boa Noite Meu Amor Dorme Bem Te Amo

A night without you might be good since you can dream and we can find you in our dreams. Dormir longe de voca é como dormir ao relento, eu senti-me sem prote£o, abra£o, eu senti-me senza calor. I wanted to be able to adorn myself by securing my m£o and looking at my face. I wanted to sleep in the middle of the night, hearing the beats of my heart and the slow breaths of my lungs. I wanted my skin to be covered by her macia skin, just like mine.

âEu adoro os milhares de sorrisos que voca possui, e toda a tranquilidade que eles transmitem ao meu cora£o. I adore your smiles and your attempts to lure me away from Sri Lanka. I like your enciumado face, the bico you make when you're embarrassed or asking for a kiss. I love it when you pamra and leave me in silence, and when you deita sobre teu peito and give me a hug. When you put your m£os in my hands and you're as sure as someone who doesn't want to lose. And you know I'm not goingâ. And your open hand, which encases our hearts like two peas in a quebra-cabea. I like arriving at the end of the day and receiving a phone call from him, and then spending hours recounting the events of the day, sharing stories and secrets. I love it when you agree with me when I say we're better together. I like hearing about your plans and dreams for a dual life. I like being yours. I'd want to make you feel like I'm mine. I know what you're thinking. Every component of the sentence. Everything in vocaâ I adore you. I adore you. Always and forever. ”

With a good night love message, you send your concern and make him or her feel loved(a)! Nossas frases de bona noite amor v£o proporcionar os mais lindos sonhos! Any night is a good night if you are in my thoughts. And it is because of this that I end every day full of love and bobos sorrisos s3â

Boa Noite Meu Amor Durma Bem Te Amo

DEUS always hears you and will never leave you without a response to your daily decisions. He is working in your life and acting in the most unexpected ways; all you have to do is believe and have faith. Good evening!! Take advantage of any opportunity that comes your way, since the days don't come back and it's pointless to be sad afterwards. You should always ask God to guide your steps in whatever direction, and remember to thank Him at the end! Good day!

With a good night love message, you send your concern and make him or her feel loved(a)! Nossas frases de bona noite amor v£o proporcionar os mais lindos sonhos! Any night is a good night if you are in my thoughts. And it is because of this that I end every day full of love and bobos sorrisos s3â

Boa Noite Amor Durma Bem Te Amo

Beautiful good night gifs with inspiring and caring messages for you to download and share with whoever you choose. See here for lovely animated images that convey a heartfelt and unique message for your evening, and which will leave you even more animated(a) with positive thoughts. Don't forget to wish a happy night to all the people in your life who are important to you, since this will strengthen your bond with them even more. Rather of sending a basic text message, which is also vital, send a gif that adds something more, such as these incredibly legais and entertaining animations. Confira: I wish you a bright night filled with love, harmony, and gifts that cannot be missed. As a result, you will be able to sleep well and dream of incredible things.

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