This is a free learning tool, however if you use our anime poses, you must add a current link to on your website. Perhaps someone else might benefit from some advice on their posture. Inform everyone about it! We're here for you, no matter why you've come. If you're new to sketching anime and need help making sure your limbs are in the right place, we'll make sure they're the right length. Maybe you're a seasoned veteran who can't determine which position to use, or maybe you're simply lazy. That is also acceptable!
Where can I get nice posing examples? Aside from the websites we've highlighted, I encourage you snap images of yourself! This is a great way to acquire those exact positions you want to sketch. Enlist the assistance of a buddy as well! Is it okay if I merely trace a pose? Even though some individuals argue that tracing postures is improper, it may be highly useful! To assist you learn, I propose sketching shapes on top of those photos. Simply do not claim it as your own position or from your imagination, and instead utilize it as a learning exercise for yourself.