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Real Naruto Sharingan Eyes

In the anime, Itachi tortures Kakashi for "days" using Tsukuyomi. Kisame was shocked that his intellect remained intact after such a procedure). Sasuke Uchiha Rinnegan is the last form of the Uchiha pupil and is a unique dojutsu created by Kaguya Otsutsuki and his creation, Jubi. The user has the Sharingan and Rinnegan abilities, as well as the ability to throw the limitless Tsukuyomi by reflecting his eyes on the Moon.

He realized the approach was too risky to utilize when he originally developed it. Kakashi recognized he required the Sharingan to finish the jutsu after receiving it. He couldn't analyze the world rapidly enough without the Sharingan to utilize Chidori safely. While the lightning-style assault may potentially be utilized by anybody, the Sharingan is required to use this jutsu safely. Amaterasu (nine Amaterasu)

After much research, I came to the unfortunate conclusion that there is very little information available on how the two eyes get merged. However, we can make some informed conclusions based on some of the anime's displayed footage. Itachi demonstrates to Sasuke how Madara obtained his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in episode 136. (EMS). displaying the following image

Sharingan, like any other djutsu, may be transferred into non-Uchiha.

[14] They are unable to disable it, and its usage requires more chakra than true Uchiha, who need just a little amount of chakra to keep it active. Non-Uchiha, for these reasons, prefer to hide their Sharingan when not in use in order to preserve chakra. [15] Sharingan originating from the same Uchiha are remain connected to some degree even when wielded by different people, allowing those users to perceive the same things at times. [16] [17]Abilities

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