After the primary election was declared invalid3, protests resumed in Eje 1 Oriente, where members of the CDMX's Secretara de Seguridad Ciudadana (SSC) conducted traffic checks and ensured the safety of the demonstrators. 12:10 #Precauci3nVial | La circulaci3n de Eje 1 Oriente está cerrada a partir de Eje 1 Norte, por manifestantes a la altura de Corregidora. Alternatives include Vial Eje 3 Oriente and Ignacio Allende. @OVIAL SSCCDMX (@OVIALCDMX) â OVIAL SSCCDMX (@OVIALCDMX) 16th of March, 2022
This is without taking into account the fact that the coelhinho leads to infncia as well as a period of inocancia and ternura. Or, in other words, he can't stay away even if you don't have any children at home. Today, it is possible to get coelhinhos in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles, ranging from the most refined crafted in ceramic to the most rustic crafted in wood or madeira, not to mention chocolate coelhinhos.