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Deep Demon Dark Drawings

Just when he feels he has a good hold on the universe, he learns of the existence of creatures who took part in the Great Demon Massacre of time immemorial. When he realizes that their power much outweighs his own, Demon Lord Arnin realizes that the only approach to boost his own strength as rapidly as possible is to reincarnate into a planet that employs a power wholly unknown to him and start again so that he might combine his powers in the future. Will the dreaded Demon Lord Arnin finally have his retribution, or will he crumble after his million-year rule, becoming a figure of the past?

93 KâYODAR is the Demon Lord of Song. Many hauntingly lovely sounds emerge from Kâyodarâs presence, which seems ethereally gorgeous at first look. Closer inspection shows the source of the songs: a swarm of singing lips all over her body. The songs' melodies and lyrics are unintelligible and difficult to understand. They are only identifiable as a mishmash of rhythms and phrases with no apparent purpose. When the unwary come too near to K'yodar, either to gaze at her more closely or to listen to her melodies, she devours their souls, much like a siren. She gets a bit bigger with each soul she devours, and an extra mouth sprouts somewhere on her body. 94 The Usurper, PITLORD KOPHIST: Kophist, a former gladiator in one of the infernal plane's numerous fighting rings, rose through the ranks and rapidly gained favor with the dwellers of the Abyss due to his hunger for blood and natural ability for warfare. Kophist's lord regarded him as a danger and sought to expel him; however, the lord was betrayed by his underlings. As his reward, Kophist keeps the now-unnamed monster on display.

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